
Converting Gaj to Square Feet

Business Loan

If you are in the process of buying or selling a property in India, you may have come across the term "gaj" or "gaz" in the property listings. This unit of measurement is commonly used in India, especially in the northern regions, to measure land area. However, if you are not familiar with this unit, it can be confusing to understand how it relates to other commonly used units, such as square feet. In this guide, we will explain how to convert gaj to square feet and provide some examples to help you better understand this unit of measurement.

What is Gaj?

Before we dive into the conversion process, let's first understand what gaj is. Gaj is a unit of measurement used in India to measure land area. It is equivalent to 9 square feet. This unit is commonly used in the northern regions of India, such as Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. In other parts of India, the term "gaj" may be referred to as "gaz" or "square gaj."

Converting Gaj to Square Feet

To convert gaj to square feet, you simply need to multiply the number of gaj by 9. For example, if you have a property that is 200 gaj, the conversion would be as follows:

 200 gaj x 9 = 1800 square feet

 So, 200 gaj is equivalent to 1800 square feet. Similarly, if you have a property that is 500 gaj, the conversion would be:

 500 gaj x 9 = 4500 square feet


Examples of Converting Gaj to Square Feet

To further illustrate the conversion process, let's look at a few examples:


 Example 1: Converting 100 gaj to square feet

To convert 100 gaj to square feet, we simply multiply 100 by 9.

100 gaj x 9 = 900 square feet

 So, 100 gaj is equivalent to 900 square feet.


Example 2: Converting 300 gaj to square feet

To convert 300 gaj to square feet, we multiply 300 by 9.

 300 gaj x 9 = 2700 square feet

 So, 300 gaj is equivalent to 2700 square feet.


Example 3: Converting 400 gaj to square feet

To convert 400 gaj to square feet, we multiply 400 by 9.

 400 gaj x 9 = 3600 square feet

 So, 400 gaj is equivalent to 3600 square feet.


Using Online Conversion Tools

If you are not comfortable with doing the conversion manually, there are several online conversion tools available that can help you and promptly to convert gaj to square feet. Enter the number of gaj you want to convert, and the tool will provide you with the equivalent in square feet.



Now that you understand how to convert gaj to square feet, you can easily make sense of property listings and better understand the size of a property. Remember, 1 gaj equals 9 square feet, so all you need to do is multiply the number of gaj by 9 to get the conversion. We hope this guide has helped clarify this unit of measurement for you.

 You'll be equipped with the perfect response for your next loan against property application. Happy property hunting!
